Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time Flies

Well, I had every intention (road to hell, blah blah) of writing much more before my wedding. That's totally not happening. My life has been a whirlwind lately...a good whirlwind, but a whirlwind nonetheless. Work has been incredibly busy and we've been wrapping up wedding details, plus family is arriving. I made it through last week without an anxiety attack, which was pretty impressive. Now, I am living it up this week and enjoying every minute up to, and including, Saturday's wedding.

I'll be posting pictures and filling you all in on more details after things calm back down.

1 comment:

Mrs. Chili said...

I'll be thinking of the two of you and sending you lots of love all week. Pay attention! It goes by SO fast, and you'll want to remember it, not just marvel at the photographs and wonder where the hell you were at the time...

