1. Facebook has been freaky, but fun. I've found lots of people from middle school and high school (12-15 years ago!); it's interesting to see who is married and who has kids. I think my best connection so far has been with a former friend who moved away when we were 10. It was just so random and there's a chance he will be visiting Vegas next month, so we may be able to see each other after 20 years.
2. I am dragging my ass right now because I'm sick with a cold that totally caught me by surprise on Sunday night/Monday morning. I refuse to let it ruin my big day tomorrow...in fact, if it attempts to ruin my day, I will drown it in Captain Morgan.
3. What is my big day tomorrow? My 30th birthday! I love my birthday in the most boring of years, so I am super excited about this one. I plan to enter my 30s happy and confident, and I look forward to all that will come my way in the next decade (a wife, babies, a new home, etc.). Tomorrow I will enjoy breakfast with my mom, some work and birthday cake at the office and at home, and a happy hour celebration with Jersey, my mom, friends, and coworkers. Oh, and I may be wearing a tiara or something all day. I'm goofy like that.
4. I have been exceptionally lazy about working out for a few months now, and it shows. There is no excuse and I know I need to take control of my body. So, last week, Jersey and I returned to the gym. On Saturday, my mom and I resumed our yoga practice (though we went back to the beginning class to get a refresher). I'm glad I'm getting back to exercising and I will be eating better as well. Here's to being bikini ready by June 1st!
5. Seriously, I want to stop sneezing now.
6. Warning: Rant Ahead. Ok, this is actually a short rant, given how many things I could say about this situation, but I think most of it has been said by now. The father of the octuplet mom (the grandfather of the babies) is defending the situation by saying that "it's God's wish". Um, no. It's not. I'm not knocking fertility treatments; hell, Jersey and I will need help to have babies of our own. But that's science, not God.
7. Does anyone have any hints for making sushi at home? I mean, I have Sushi for Dummies and the basic equipment. Are there any hints that I might be missing? I'll be attempting this in about 2 weeks and I'm a little nervous about messing it up, though I figure we can order pizza if things go terribly wrong. That's the nice thing about experimenting with a laid-back crowd.
8. If there are any Paula Poundstone fans reading this, just remember one thing if you ever go see her live...don't draw attention to yourself or you run the risk of her teasing you. Jersey and I went to see her perform on Friday night (we've seen her before, too). A few people, including Jersey, got up in the middle of the show to use the restroom, but she left them alone. Usually, I have a SUPER bladder, but damn if those beers didn't go right through me at the wrong time! I got up and, sure enough, Paula decided to notice. I became part of her show for a few minutes and it was surreal. Admittedly, it was all harmless and fun, but I'm not really the spotlight type of girl.
9. Jersey and I think our kitten, Max, may be deaf. He just doesn't respond properly to noise. There are times when he seems to jump at a sudden sound, but just as often, he looks around like he's totally lost. Hell, our glass coffee table came crashing down a few weeks ago and he didn't budge. I guess we should ask the vet to check that out. Of course, I'm sure the fact that he runs into walls all the time doesn't help. He sure is adorable, though!
10. I love Dunkin Donuts, but I want to know what is holding up construction on the new location right down the street from me. They've had the "Coming Soon" sign up for months and keep saying that it will be open in about two weeks. That would be great, except that Jersey and I stopped by and looked in the window; there is absolutely nothing happening in there. In the meantime, I have to drive in the opposite direction of my office to get my caffeine fix. Come on! Open this one up!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Oh, DO wear the tiara! Send me a picture!
You know, you can't stand on a corner in Boston without being able to see at LEAST three Dunkin' Donuts, right? Come on over here; I'll take good care of you.
happy birthday! :) i heart you lots and can't wait to see you this weekend!
Hmm... guess I got to the party late, but Happy Birthday anyway. Your sis sent me this way, but it took me a while to find the place.
I'm kinda thinking that as long as you've got good fresh fish, sushi would be pretty hard to screw up. I mean you're basically screwing the rice up on purpose so it'll stick together like you usually don't want it to do, make it into little balls and lay a chunk of tuna on it (or salmon or whatever... bluefin happens to be my fave). Shave some ginger root and if you know how to make the wasabi you're in business. (Though I'm betting you can buy that stuff already made.) I guess if you're trying to do spider roll or something that's a little trickier. Lemme know how it works out, huh? Seems like it'd be a lot cheaper to roll your own!
Anyway. Hope you enjoyed your birthday and lots more in the future.
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