Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Meme

I've stolen this meme, with very little delay, from Mrs. Chili. Enjoy!

1. How did you come up with your blog title OR what does it mean?

I have "stumble survive smile" tattooed on my lower back; I consider it a nicer way to say "shit happens, get over it." I never thought I would get a tattoo, but triumph at the end of an emotional journey convinced me otherwise. The tattoo is a permanent reminder of my strength and my personal motto.

2. What are your general goals for blogging?

I had planned to wait and blog when I could chronicle something really big...perhaps a pregnancy. Then I realized I have a lot of junk (good, bad, and ugly) bouncing around in my head and it wouldn't hurt to have a place to dump it. A blog could be a healthy outlet for me. I had begun to comment on a couple of blogs, plus I have been a member of message board for a few years, so I wasn't a stranger to internet interaction. I suppose this blog was just a tiny bit more selfish.

3. Do people "in your real life" know that you blog and do they comment on your blog OR is it largely anonymous?

My mom, my sister, and Jersey know that I blog. Jersey's mom and sister know that I blog. An ex-boyfriend knows that I blog. I really have no intention of letting friends or coworkers know, largely because I want to be able to vent when necessary and I don't want to get myself into trouble. Of those that read, my sister and Jersey are really the only two who bother to comment.

4. How often do you post (x per week)?

I only post once or twice a week. Honestly, my biggest hesitation in starting this blog was the pressure to post all the time, but I've managed to avoid any guilt about that. I would like to regularly post two or three times a week, but I won't freak if I come up short.

5. How often do you read other blogs (x per week)?

I only read a few blogs, so I have no problem reading them daily. I also check in with the message board on which I am a member. I'd say that the community feeling on the message board is like a mini-blogosphere; I've even met a couple of them in "real life" and I keep up with the things going on in the lives of the people on the boards as much as I keep up with other bloggers.

6. How do you select blogs to read (do you prefer blogs that focus on certain topics or do you choose by tone or...)?

I don't read many, so this is simple. I started with my sister's blog and then moved to the blogs of a couple of her readers. I remember that I originally contacted Mrs. Chili with a yoga question. Admittedly, I get nervous about commenting elsewhere, simply because I feel like I'm still a blog newbie and don't want to start showing up where I'm not wanted. It's probably not a logical concern, but it's a concern.

7. Do you have any plans to copy your blog entries in any other format, or do you think that one day, you'll just delete it all?

Um, neither. I'll keep writing here until I have nothing to say, then it can just float in cyberspace for all of eternity or die in the great internet explosion of 2023.

8. What are the things you like best about blogging?

I've never been the journal type, but I love being able to get my thoughts out of my head. I'm not sure it's slowed down any of the verbal ranting and raving that I do on a daily basis, but it does help me focus my point(s).

9. What are the things you don't like about blogging?

Trying to capture a lot of my (very passionate) thoughts and opinions in a relatively brief blog post is difficult. I always have a lot to say about the things that get me riled up! Also, I think it's difficult to make my tone and/or intent clear sometimes. Sarcasm and humor don't always translate well; this goes for comments on other blogs, too. It's just hard to act the way I would act in person, because I know that the written word can be deceiving.

10. How do you handle comments?

I definitely read them all and appreciate the time people take to write them. It's awesome to know that I have an audience, even if it's a small one. When I feel the need to write a response to a comment, I do. I have a response in my head for almost everything that people say on my blog, so maybe I'll try to add more comments about comments. Look out, Mrs. Chili, here comes a dialogue!

11. Do you have any burning thoughts to share on blog etiquette?

Be respectful. I've never cared if people agree with me, but I can't stand people who don't respectfully disagree. It's just not cool.

12. Any desired blog features?

I really don't know how to do anything on this blog, so most features would be lost on me at this point. I really should learn more about videos and such. I'm not technologically inept, just lazy.

13. Have you suffered blog addiction?

Yes and no. I'd say that it's become a part of my life, but it's not something for which I would apologize. I believe I will continue to grow as I write and I hope to form long-lasting friendships, as well.


Lara said...

woo! i'm so happy you started blogging. :)

(word verification: humbi. that's another fun one!)

Auntie said...

I feel the same way about how often I post something. If I feel like I want to write, I write. If not, I don't. The same goes for commenting on other peoples blogs..

I'm glad you started blogging too! I like hearing what you have to say.

Mrs. Chili said...

I'm happy you started blogging, too, and I'm glad that you don't succumb to the pressure to post all the time. I do the post-a-day thing because if I didn't get all this stuff out of my head, I'd explode.

DON'T stop yourself from commenting on other people's sites. You have important things to add to conversations, and if the comments are open, you're as welcome as anyone else.

Love you!
